A playlist of cool things for cool kids!

Kids rock! There's no question about it. They are simply much cooler than you and me. This playlist is for those of us just trying to keep up with these mod toddlers and hip preschoolers. It's about promoting children's books, music, and other media that rock just as much as our kids do. Check out something cool for your cool kid.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Uncle Rock: The Big Picture

Any future rocker needs a cool role model to look up to and learn how it's done.  You know, like a hip older sister with an awesome record collection, or maybe a favorite Uncle Rock who just happened to play bass with the legendary Fleshtones!   Uncle Rock (alter ego: Robert Burke Warren) has a whole bunch of killer tunes for the kids on his latest record The Big Picture.  Check it out:  www.unclerock.com.