A playlist of cool things for cool kids!

Kids rock! There's no question about it. They are simply much cooler than you and me. This playlist is for those of us just trying to keep up with these mod toddlers and hip preschoolers. It's about promoting children's books, music, and other media that rock just as much as our kids do. Check out something cool for your cool kid.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Caps for Sale

In addition to contemporary picture books that rock, I plan to regularly feature some classic picture books on Posterband.  Books like these need no introduction, perhaps, but it never hurts to be reminded of good thing.   And of course some of these books may be new to you. Myself, I missed out on Caps for Sale as a child.  But thanks to a gift from a friend, my son hasn't.

There are billions of picture books about monkeys, because it's really difficult to go wrong with any book about monkeys.  But if you plan to buy just one book this year about monkeys and the inherent conformism of consumer capitalism, make it this one.