A playlist of cool things for cool kids!

Kids rock! There's no question about it. They are simply much cooler than you and me. This playlist is for those of us just trying to keep up with these mod toddlers and hip preschoolers. It's about promoting children's books, music, and other media that rock just as much as our kids do. Check out something cool for your cool kid.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rocking Alphabet Books

Some rocking ABC books for back to (pre) school...

The Love Police keep kicking out the jams with their latest alphabet books for Punk and Country Western. Future discerning rock critics take note: "G" is not for G.G. Allin, but it is for Gram Parsons.

Check it out at the Love Police. They have some pretty sweet t-shirts too.

Once your kids have mastered the classics, they might be ready to get hip to the new sounds of An Indie Rock Alphabet Book from the folks at Paste Magazine.

"A" is for Animal Collective, do you need to hear any more?